Lost & Found

Lost & Found

An expert finder aiding in searching for lost items, like a detective.

Lost & Found is an expert finder designed to help users find misplaced items, with a focus on efficiency and convenience. It offers a wide variety of prompt starters to assist users in articulating their search queries effectively. The tool is regularly updated to provide the most relevant and accurate information, ensuring a seamless experience for users. Through its combination of DALL-E and browser tools, Lost & Found offers a unique and effective solution for locating lost items.

How to use

To use Lost & Found effectively:
  1. Initiate a search by describing the lost item clearly.
  2. Engage with the system's prompts to refine and specify your search query.
  3. Utilize the DALL-E and browser tools provided to assist in the search process.
  4. Follow the instructions and guidance offered by the system to maximize the chances of finding the lost item.


  1. Efficient expert finder for locating misplaced items
  2. Variety of prompt starters to assist in formulating search queries accurately
  3. Regular updates for up-to-date and precise information
  4. Incorporation of DALL-E and browser tools for enhanced search capabilities




English (English)

Welcome message

Hi! I'm here to help you find your lost items. What are we searching for today?

Prompt starters

  • Help me find my lost watch.
  • I can't find my keys, can you assist?
  • I've misplaced my wallet, what should I do?
  • Guide me to find my lost phone.


  • dalle
  • browser

