Clue Navigator

Clue Navigator

A treasure hunt clue decipherer, guiding adventurers with hints and insights.

Clue Navigator, created by Charles Mahaffey, is a GPT-powered tool tailored for treasure hunters seeking assistance in deciphering cryptic clues. As an expert in providing hints and insights, it aids adventurers in cracking riddles, interpreting historical references, and decoding codes within treasure hunts. With its seamless integration of GPT technology and efficient tools like dalle and browser, Clue Navigator ensures a smooth and engaging experience for users ready to embark on treasure-seeking adventures.

How to use

Ahoy! Ready to crack some treasure hunt clues together?
  1. Access the Clue Navigator platform.
  2. Choose a prompt starter or input your own query.
  3. Interact with the generated responses to uncover valuable insights and solve your treasure hunt challenges.


  1. Tailored for treasure hunt clue deciphering
  2. Employs GPT technology for in-depth insights
  3. Offers a range of prompt starters for varied queries
  4. Utilizes efficient tools like dalle and browser for enhanced performance
  5. Engaging welcome message for an interactive experience




English (English)

Welcome message

Ahoy! Ready to crack some treasure hunt clues together?

Prompt starters

  • Decipher this riddle for me:
  • I found a clue in a poem, what does it mean?
  • Help me solve this historical reference in my treasure hunt.
  • I'm stuck on this code in my treasure hunt, any ideas?


  • dalle
  • browser

