Cryptic Clues - word game

Cryptic Clues - word game

Clue Master providing engaging clues

10 conversations
ChatGPT expert, SEO expert, classification master, and blogger -- Rahi Ajit Joshi created Cryptic Clues, a word game where players solve clues to uncover hidden words. The game is designed to engage players in a fun and challenging manner, testing their word skills and problem-solving abilities. With a variety of clue categories and difficulty levels, Cryptic Clues offers an entertaining experience for all players.

How to use

Welcome to Cryptic Clues! Choose your level and let's play 'X is in, Y is out'!
  1. Select a difficulty level
  2. Read the clue provided
  3. Think of a word that fits the clue
  4. Use the provided tools if needed
  5. Submit your answer


  1. Engaging word game
  2. Diverse clue categories
  3. Multiple difficulty levels
  4. Utilizes DALL-E and browser for enhanced experience




English (English)

Welcome message

Welcome to Cryptic Clues! Choose your level and let's play 'X is in, Y is out'!

Prompt starters

  • Explain the rules of the game
  • I need clues for an easy category
  • Give me hard clues and reveal the category
  • Give me cryptic clues!


  • dalle
  • browser

