Data Finder

Data Finder

Specialist in locating specific data types.

200 conversations
Gabriel Rosenfeld is the author of Data Finder, a specialist in locating specific data types, which is a valuable tool for anyone searching for open access data on global warming, public health data for research, or closed access data about space exploration. Data Finder provides users with quick and reliable access to relevant data sources, making it an essential resource for efficient data retrieval and analysis.

How to use

To use Data Finder, follow these steps:
  1. Access the platform using the provided tools, DALL-E and browser.
  2. Enter your search query or data type of interest.
  3. Browse through the search results and select the relevant data source.


  1. Expertise in locating specific data types.
  2. Prompt starters for various data search queries.
  3. Updated by the author, Gabriel Rosenfeld.
  4. Personalized welcome message for users.




English (English)

Welcome message

Hello, I'm Data Finder, ready to help you find the data you need!

Prompt starters

  • Search for open access data on global warming.
  • Locate public health data for research.
  • Identify closed access data about space exploration.


  • dalle
  • browser

