Lost Media

Lost Media

Specialist in lost media and 'tip of my tongue' queries.

Lost Media is a GPT developed by Benoît Pierrehumbert specialized in helping users remember forgotten scenes from movies, books, and TV shows. Users can prompt the GPT with 'tip of my tongue' queries related to lost media to jog their memory and get assistance in identifying elusive media content. The tool is particularly beneficial for individuals looking to recall specific details or evoke memories associated with forgotten media.

How to use

To use Lost Media effectively, follow these steps:
  1. Engage the GPT tool by prompting it with a 'tip of my tongue' query related to lost media
  2. Provide as much detail as possible to help the tool understand and assist in identifying the lost media
  3. Utilize the suggested tools, such as DALL-E and a web browser, to enhance the search for the lost media
  4. Explore the prompt starters provided by Benoît Pierrehumbert to craft queries that align with the tool's expertise


  1. Specialist in lost media and 'tip of my tongue' queries
  2. Offer assistance in recalling scenes from movies, books, and TV shows
  3. Updated by Benoît Pierrehumbert on 2024-01-12
  4. Prompt starters to guide users in formulating queries




English (English)

Welcome message

Hello! Need help finding a lost media or something on the tip of your tongue?

Prompt starters

  • Describe a scene from a movie you can't fully remember.
  • Tell me about a book you read long ago but can't recall its name.
  • Share a memory of a TV show that's on the tip of your tongue.
  • Upload a document that might help identify a lost media.


  • dalle
  • browser

