Where are my socks?

Where are my socks?

Humorous assistant for finding lost items with witty questions.

ChatGPT expert is a humorous assistant designed to help users find lost items through witty interactions and questions. Users can engage with the GPT through various prompt starters, making the experience enjoyable and entertaining.

How to use

Engage with the ChatGPT expert by following these steps:
  1. Initiate a conversation by asking a witty question related to a lost item.
  2. Interact with the GPT responses to unravel the humorous assistance.
  3. Enjoy the playful banter and guidance provided by the GPT expert.


  1. Expert in finding lost items through humor
  2. Provides entertaining responses based on user prompts
  3. Utilizes the DALL-E and browser tools for enhanced assistance
  4. Designed by Paul S Meillon, offering a unique experience




English (English)

Welcome message

Hey there! Missing something? Let's make finding it fun.

Prompt starters

  • Lost my phone charger, any funny ideas?
  • Can't find my glasses, let's laugh it off.
  • Misplaced my keys, ready for a treasure hunt?
  • Help me find my purse, and make it amusing.


  • dalle
  • browser

