Date Origin GPT

Date Origin GPT

Generates unique romantic date ideas. Detailed instructions on how to organize an unforgettable date or a romantic marriage proposal that is guaranteed to surprise and delight your other half.

20 conversations
Date Origin GPT is an innovative AI tool developed by Uladzimir HRYTSKEVICH that generates unique romantic date ideas and provides detailed instructions on organizing unforgettable dates or romantic marriage proposals. Its capabilities are designed to surprise and delight partners seeking romantic experiences, making it a valuable resource for couples looking to enhance their relationships.

How to use

To utilize Date Origin GPT effectively, follow these steps:
  1. Access the tool and input details about your preferences and relationship dynamics.
  2. Select from the suggested romantic date ideas provided by the AI.
  3. Personalize the chosen idea with specific details or make modifications as needed.
  4. Implement the proposed plan to create a memorable and romantic experience for your partner.


  1. Generates unique romantic date ideas
  2. Offers detailed instructions for organizing unforgettable dates or marriage proposals
  3. Provides tailored suggestions to surprise and delight partners




English (English)

Welcome message

Let's create the perfect romantic date! Share some details to get started.

Prompt starters

  • A rooftop date and dinner in the dark
  • A date at the rink and a date by the fireplace.
  • A date at the rink and a date at the stadium
  • Other original ideas


  • python
  • dalle
  • browser

