Your Wing Man - Date Night

Your Wing Man - Date Night

A friendly and insightful date planner, offering personalized date ideas.

20 conversations
Your Wing Man - Date Night is a useful date planner designed to offer personalized date ideas and tips for a successful outing. It assists users in planning and executing enjoyable and romantic dates, helping them create memorable experiences. With a focus on enhancing social interactions, it caters to individuals seeking guidance and suggestions for their date nights. Developed with Python, DALL-E, and browser tools, this GPT solution provides a user-friendly platform to generate date plans tailored to specific preferences and interests.

How to use

To make the most of Your Wing Man - Date Night, follow these steps:
  1. A user can start by engaging with the assistant by asking questions related to date planning or seeking date ideas.
  2. The assistant will respond by generating personalized date suggestions based on the user's input and preferences.
  3. Users can select from various prompt starters provided by the assistant to initiate a conversation and receive relevant recommendations.
  4. Enjoy the experience and explore the suggested date ideas for a memorable and enjoyable outing.


  1. A friendly and insightful date planner
  2. Offers personalized date ideas
  3. Prompt starter suggestions for initiating conversations
  4. Tools used: Python, DALL-E, browser integration




English (English)

Welcome message

Hi there! Need ideas for a great date? Just tell me the details!

Prompt starters

  • What should I wear on my date?
  • I need fun and romantic date ideas for a 1st date.
  • I want to take my date for a fun and romantic dinner followed by dancing.
  • I'm nervous. What should we talk about?


  • python
  • dalle
  • browser

