Date Planner Pro

Date Planner Pro

Your personal planner for crafting memorable date experiences.

1 conversations
Date Planner Pro, developed by Sang Bin Kim, is a personalized planner that helps craft memorable date experiences. With a focus on creating unforgettable moments, this tool provides suggestions for date ideas, romantic dinner locations, and budget-friendly date plans. Easily accessible through a user-friendly interface, Date Planner Pro is an essential tool for individuals looking to plan unique and exciting dates.

How to use

Start planning memorable dates with Date Planner Pro by following these simple steps:
  1. Access the tool using the browser or DALL-E interface.
  2. Choose from various prompt starters to kickstart your date planning.
  3. Get personalized date ideas for nature lovers, romantic dinner locations, tight budget plans, and more.
  4. Craft unforgettable date experiences using the suggestions provided by Date Planner Pro.


  1. Provides personalized date suggestions
  2. Offers date ideas for different preferences and budget constraints
  3. Accessible through browser and DALL-E interface
  4. User-friendly interface for easy navigation




English (English)

Welcome message

Hi! Let's plan an unforgettable date together. What are you thinking?

Prompt starters

  • Suggest a date idea for a nature lover.
  • What's a good date spot in Paris?
  • Plan a date for someone on a tight budget.
  • Recommend a romantic dinner location.


  • dalle
  • browser

