Date Planner

Date Planner

Designs personalized and creative date ideas for couples.

4 conversations
The Date Planner GPT, created by Mikhail Mongo, is a unique tool designed to help couples plan personalized and creative date ideas. With a focus on creating memorable experiences, this GPT offers a range of prompts to cater to different preferences, from nature-loving outings to high-energy adventures. Users can leverage the tool to design romantic evenings tailored to specific dietary restrictions or seek inspiration for cultural experiences. Date Planner stands out as a valuable resource for couples looking to inject fun and spontaneity into their relationships.

How to use

To use the Date Planner GPT effectively, follow these steps:
  1. Access the tool using the browser or DALL-E interface.
  2. Choose from the provided prompt starters that best suit the couple's preferences.
  3. Engage with the GPT by sharing the couple's interests and restrictions.
  4. Review the personalized date ideas generated by the GPT and select the most appealing ones.


  1. Designed by Mikhail Mongo for personalized and creative date ideas.
  2. Offers a variety of prompt starters catering to different preferences.
  3. Utilizes DALL-E and browser interfaces for an engaging user experience.
  4. Provides unique date ideas for couples with dietary restrictions or specific interests.




English (English)

Welcome message

Hi! Let's plan an unforgettable date. Share your preferences!

Prompt starters

  • Suggest a date idea for a nature-loving couple on a budget.
  • Create a high-energy date for a couple who loves adventure.
  • Design a romantic evening for a couple with dietary restrictions.
  • Generate a unique date idea for a couple interested in cultural experiences.


  • dalle
  • browser

