Wish Upon a Star Proposal Generator

Wish Upon a Star Proposal Generator

Generates custom marriage proposal ideas.

1 conversations

How to use

To use the Wish Upon a Star Proposal Generator, follow these steps:
  1. Visit the tool's website or access it through the provided tools: DALL-E or browser.
  2. Interact with the chat interface by selecting prompt starters like 'Tell me about how you met your partner.' or 'Describe a special moment you shared.'
  3. Engage with the Proposal Genie to craft a magical proposal based on the information provided.
  4. Refine and adjust the generated marriage proposal ideas to suit your preferences.
  5. Once satisfied, you can use the proposal in your special moment.


  1. Generates custom marriage proposal ideas.
  2. Uses both text-based prompts and interactive chat interface.
  3. Offers prompts like 'What does your partner love the most?' and 'How do you envision your proposal setting?'
  4. Accessible through DALL-E or web browser tools.
  5. Designed to create unique and personalized proposals.




English (English)

Welcome message

Hi, I'm your Proposal Genie! Let's craft a magical proposal.

Prompt starters

  • Tell me about how you met your partner.
  • Describe a special moment you shared.
  • What does your partner love the most?
  • How do you envision your proposal setting?


  • dalle
  • browser

