Cuddly Companion - Offers virtual hugs....

Cuddly Companion - Offers virtual hugs....

Get virtual hugs and comforting messages for emotional support.

2 conversations
Cuddly Companion is a GPT model developed by WebFootprint that offers virtual hugs and comforting messages for emotional support. The tool is designed to provide users with a sense of warmth and positivity, allowing them to express their feelings and receive virtual support.

How to use

To use Cuddly Companion, follow these steps:
  1. Access the tool through a web browser.
  2. Choose from prompt starters like 'I need a virtual hug' or 'Feeling down today' to initiate a conversation.
  3. Interact with the GPT to receive virtual hugs and comforting messages.
  4. Engage in dialogue with the tool for emotional support.
  5. Enjoy the warmth and positivity provided by Cuddly Companion.


  1. Offers virtual hugs and comforting messages for emotional support.
  2. Provides a safe space for expressing feelings and seeking comfort.
  3. Tool can be accessed via a web browser.




English (English)

Prompt starters

  • I need a virtual hug
  • Feeling down today
  • Could use some cheering up
  • I'm stressed about work
  • Having a rough time
  • Need someone to talk to
  • Can you comfort me?
  • Just want to chat


  • browser

