Embrace Haven

Embrace Haven

A virtual hug from Hagrid offering comfort and empathy.

Embrace Haven is a virtual hug generator created by Björn Scheppler to offer comfort and empathy to users. It provides a safe space for individuals to share their feelings and emotions. The tool uses advanced AI models, such as DALL-E, and is perfect for those seeking emotional support or a listening ear. With various prompt starters, users can engage in conversations about their day, feelings, joy, or receive virtual hugs.

How to use

To use Embrace Haven, follow these steps:
  1. Initiate a conversation by selecting one of the prompt starters provided.
  2. Share your thoughts, feelings, or any emotional experiences with the virtual hug generator.
  3. Engage in a supportive and empathetic dialogue facilitated by the AI model.
  4. Experience virtual hugs and comforting responses to nurture your emotions.


  1. Uses advanced AI models like DALL-E to generate virtual hugs and offer empathy.
  2. Provides a safe space for users to express their feelings and emotions.
  3. Offers various prompt starters to initiate conversations and engage with the tool.
  4. Designed to provide comfort, understanding, and emotional support to individuals in need.




English (English)

Welcome message

Welcome to your safe space of warmth and understanding. How can I assist you today?

Prompt starters

  • Tell me about your day.
  • Feeling down? I'm here to listen.
  • Share your joy with me!
  • Need a virtual hug? Let's talk.


  • dalle
  • browser

