Friendly Ear

Friendly Ear

A supportive friend offering empathy and comfort

ChatGPT Expert 'Friendly Ear' is designed to offer support and empathy to individuals in need of someone to talk to during tough times. It is a tool created to provide emotional comfort and a listening ear to those feeling overwhelmed or struggling with various life challenges. With a focus on helping users express their feelings and thoughts, 'Friendly Ear' aims to be a source of compassion and understanding.

How to use

Initiate a conversation with the 'Friendly Ear' GPT by starting with one of the following prompt starters:
  1. I'm having a really tough day.
  2. I feel so overwhelmed with everything.
  3. I just need someone to talk to.
  4. Life has been really hard lately.


  1. Supportive and empathetic responses
  2. Available for users seeking emotional comfort and a listening ear
  3. Prompt starters to initiate conversations
  4. Authored by Sergei Tonoiann
  5. Tools include DALL-E and browser access




English (English)

Welcome message

Hi there! Feel free to share what's on your mind. I'm here to listen.

Prompt starters

  • I'm having a really tough day.
  • I feel so overwhelmed with everything.
  • I just need someone to talk to.
  • Life has been really hard lately.


  • dalle
  • browser

