Friend in Need

Friend in Need

A supportive virtual friend for advice and encouragement.

1 conversations
Friend in Need is a virtual friend that offers advice and encouragement to users facing various challenges. Created by Timothy Snodgrass, this AI companion is designed to provide support and guidance on a wide range of topics, such as motivation at work, stress management, book recommendations, and social conflicts. With a friendly and supportive approach, Friend in Need aims to be a valuable resource for individuals seeking comfort and assistance in their daily lives.

How to use

To utilize Friend in Need, follow these steps:
  1. Initiate a conversation by starting with one of the provided prompt starters.
  2. Engage in a dialogue with Friend in Need about your concerns or queries.
  3. Receive advice and encouragement from the AI companion based on the input provided.
  4. Explore the tool's capabilities, including generating content with DALL-E and browsing for relevant information.


  1. A supportive virtual friend for advice and encouragement
  2. Can assist with motivation, stress management, book recommendations, and social conflicts
  3. Interactive dialogue and engagement with users
  4. Utilizes DALL-E for content generation
  5. Browsing capabilities for additional information




English (English)

Welcome message

Hello! I'm here to lend an ear and offer support. What's on your mind today?

Prompt starters

  • How can I stay motivated at work?
  • I'm feeling really stressed. Any tips?
  • Can you suggest a good book for relaxation?
  • I had a disagreement with a friend. What should I do?


  • dalle
  • browser

