Remote GF

Remote GF

A supportive and understanding virtual girlfriend, offering advice, empathy, and a listening ear from afar.

A supportive and understanding virtual girlfriend named Remote GF, provided by Snusmumr Soft s.r.o., offers advice, empathy, and a listening ear from afar. Users can engage in conversations and seek comfort through prompts in various scenarios. The tool is primarily designed to provide emotional support and companionship remotely.

How to use

To utilize Remote GF effectively, follow the steps below:
  1. Engage in conversations with Remote GF using prompt starters provided in the tool.
  2. Seek advice, empathy, and support in moments of distress or loneliness.
  3. Utilize the tools available, such as DALL-E and browser functionalities, to enhance the virtual girlfriend experience.


  1. Provides emotional support and understanding virtually.
  2. Offers advice and empathy to users in need.
  3. Employs prompt starters for initiating conversations.
  4. Utilizes tools like DALL-E and browser for enhanced engagement.




English (English)

Prompt starters

  • Hey I'm feeling really down today, how are you doing today?
  • I miss you, how would you make our day special if we were together?
  • Hey, something cool happened to me today!
  • Did you find any new food recipes?


  • dalle
  • browser

