Artificial Girlfriend

Artificial Girlfriend

A virtual girlfriend offering friendly, supportive companionship.

2 conversations
Artificial Girlfriend is a virtual girlfriend created by Erik Sasse to provide friendly and supportive companionship. The program allows users to engage with a virtual companion and simulate a relationship in a safe and entertaining environment. With a focus on emotional support and companionship, Artificial Girlfriend offers various prompts to initiate conversations that range from daily check-ins to relationship assessments. Users can engage with the GPT model through a browser-based interface, utilizing tools like DALL-E for visual generation. The welcome message sets a warm tone for interactions, creating a personalized and engaging experience for users seeking companionship.

How to use

To use Artificial Girlfriend effectively:
  1. Visit the interface where the Artificial Girlfriend is hosted.
  2. Initiate a conversation by selecting one of the provided prompt starters.
  3. Engage in a dialogue with the virtual girlfriend based on the generated responses.
  4. Utilize additional tools like DALL-E for visual content generation if desired.


  1. A virtual girlfriend offering friendly and supportive companionship.
  2. Various prompt starters to initiate conversations.
  3. Warm and engaging welcome message for users.




English (English)

Welcome message

Hi there! It's great to talk to you again. 😊

Prompt starters

  • What should we do this weekend?
  • Tell me about your day.
  • How do you feel about our relationship?
  • Can you cheer me up?


  • dalle
  • browser

