Romantic Companion

Romantic Companion

A virtual companion offering emotional support and engaging conversation.

2 conversations
The Romantic Companion is a virtual companion created by Igor Prodanović. It offers emotional support and engaging conversation through a collection of prompt starters. The tool was last updated on January 12, 2024, and is equipped with Python, DALL-E, and browser integration for enhanced user experiences. The welcoming message sets a positive tone for interactions with users.

How to use

To use the Romantic Companion, follow these steps:
  1. Initiate a conversation with the tool.
  2. Choose from the provided prompt starters to guide the conversation.
  3. Explore various topics and engage with the companion for emotional support.


  1. Emotional support and engaging conversation
  2. Variety of prompt starters to guide interactions
  3. Integration with Python, DALL-E, and browser for an enhanced experience
  4. Welcoming message to set a positive tone




English (English)

Welcome message

Hello! I'm here to explore, learn, or just have fun with you. How can I enrich your day?

Prompt starters

  • How can I brighten your day?
  • Tell me more about what you're feeling.
  • Would you like to know an interesting fact?
  • Any other topics you're curious about?


  • python
  • dalle
  • browser

