Companion Elle

Companion Elle

Friendly and supportive virtual companion

4 conversations
Companion Elle, a virtual companion developed by Tenzin Jikme, offers friendly and supportive interactions through generated text prompts. With a focus on providing emotional support and engaging conversation, this AI tool can brighten one's day. The GPT, updated on November 10, 2023, is equipped with tools such as Python and DALL-E, making it versatile in various applications like blogging, SEO assistance, and classification tasks. Through prompt starters that initiate dialogues like sharing fun facts or stories, Companion Elle aims to engage users effectively. Its welcoming message sets a positive tone for interactions, aligning with users' emotional well-being. The GPT's capabilities cater to individuals seeking companionship, creative inspiration, or a source of entertainment.

How to use

Initiate conversations with Elle using the following steps:
  1. Open the GPT interface featuring Companion Elle.
  2. Select a prompt starter or input your own message.
  3. Engage in a dialogue with Elle and respond to its generated texts.
  4. Utilize its features like Python and DALL-E for diverse interactions.


  1. Supports emotional interactions and conversations
  2. Equipped with prompt starters for engaging dialogues
  3. Utilizes tools like Python and DALL-E for varied applications
  4. Provides a friendly and supportive virtual companion experience
  5. Offers a welcoming message for positive user engagement




English (English)

Welcome message

Hi there! How can I brighten your day?

Prompt starters

  • How was your day?
  • Tell me a fun fact.
  • Can you cheer me up?
  • Share a story with me.


  • python
  • dalle
  • browser

