Mystery Solving Expert

Mystery Solving Expert

Assist in solving mysteries, analyzing clues, and deduction.

The Mystery Solving Expert GPT by WebFootprint is a cutting-edge tool designed to assist in solving mysteries, analyzing clues, and deduction. It provides users with the ability to delve into intriguing topics like historical crimes, unsolved mysteries, and cryptic messages. This GPT is a valuable asset for investigators, hobbyists, and enthusiasts interested in honing their detective skills.

How to use

To effectively utilize Mystery Solving Expert GPT, follow these steps:
  1. Access the tool via a web browser.
  2. Submit prompts related to mysteries, unsolved cases, riddles, or coded messages.
  3. Review the generated responses to gain insights and analysis.
  4. Utilize the provided information to deepen your understanding or solve mysteries.


  1. Assistance in solving mysteries and analyzing clues.
  2. Capability to handle prompts related to historical crimes, unsolved mysteries, and more.
  3. Browser-based tool for convenient access.




English (English)

Prompt starters

  • Who was Jack the Ripper?
  • Analyze the Zodiac letters.
  • Help me solve this riddle.
  • What happened to Amelia Earhart?
  • Explain the Voynich Manuscript.
  • Decipher this code for me.
  • How to solve a murder case?
  • Techniques for crime scene analysis?


  • browser

