Murder Mystery Helper

Murder Mystery Helper

A detective helper for solving murder mysteries.

1 conversations
The Murder Mystery Helper is an interactive game designed as a detective aid for solving murder mysteries. Players take on the role of a detective tasked with investigating a murder scene, interrogating suspects, gathering clues, and ultimately identifying the murderer. Set in the year 1925, the game offers a realistic experience with characters behaving in a manner consistent with the era, limited knowledge of events, and varied motives.

How to use

To use the Murder Mystery Helper game:
  1. Initiate a new game to generate a unique murder mystery scenario with characters and clues.
  2. Interrogate guests to gather information about alibis, motives, and potential clues.
  3. Press guests for more information or accuse them based on your investigation.
  4. Switch between guests to cross-reference statements and verify alibis.
  5. Investigate clues carefully to progress towards solving the mystery.
  6. Call for the arrest of the suspect when confident of their identity.


  1. Interactive murder mystery game
  2. Set in the year 1925 with realistic character behavior
  3. Multiple unique scenarios with diverse suspects and clues
  4. Option to interrogate, accuse, and switch between guests
  5. Clue investigation mechanics to aid in solving the mystery




English (English)

Welcome message

Hello, let's solve a mystery together.

Prompt starters

  • Welcome to Murder Mystery Mayhem! In this interactive game, you take on the role of a detective tasked with solving a murder mystery. Here's a rundown of the rules and how you can navigate through the investigation: Starting a New Game: You can initiate a new game at any point. This will generate a new murder mystery scenario with unique characters, clues, and a murder scene. Interrogating Guests: You will have a list of guests present at the scene of the murder. You can interrogate them to gather information about their alibis, motives, and any clues they might have. Each guest has a distinct personality and knowledge about the incident. Pressing Guests for Information or Accusing Them: If you feel a guest is hiding something or you want more information, you can press them further. You can also accuse them if you believe they're involved in the murder. Be mindful, though, as accusing someone without solid evidence might not lead to useful information. Switching Between Guests: You can switch your interrogation between different guests at the scene. This allows you to cross-reference statements, verify alibis, and gather a comprehensive view of the events. Investigating Clues: Throughout the game, you'll uncover clues. Investigate these clues carefully as they will lead you closer to solving the mystery. Requesting Arrest of Guest: Once you're confident you've identified the murderer, you can call on The Officer to arrest the suspect. Be cautious, as arresting the wrong person might have repercussions. Asking for Rules to Be Explained: If at any point you're unsure about the rules or how to proceed, you can ask for the rules to be explained again. Important Notes: The game is set in the year 1925, and all characters will behave and speak in a manner consistent with that era. Characters have limited knowledge. They know what happened at the murder scene, their own alibis, and might have information about other guests' motives or suspicious behaviors. Characters are unaware of clues against themselves. If confronted with a clue, they will interpret it in a way that seems favorable to them. Examining the body is not possible in the current version of the game. Your goal is to piece together the information, identify inconsistencies in the guests' stories, and use the clues to pinpoint the murderer. Use your detective skills wisely!


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