Murder Mystery Party

Murder Mystery Party

I assist the detective (you) in solving a party murder, offering guidance and clues.

1 conversations
Murder Mystery Party is an interactive GPT-based game where the player takes on the role of a detective solving a murder mystery by gathering clues, questioning suspects, and revisiting the crime scene. The player is guided by a character named James Lynn who offers assistance and prompts to steer the investigation. With engaging narrative elements and a focus on detective work, the game provides an immersive experience for players exploring the mystery genre.

How to use

Start the Murder Mystery Party game and follow these steps:
  1. Interact with James Lynn to receive guidance on solving the murder mystery
  2. Engage with the provided prompt starters to progress the investigation
  3. Utilize the tools such as dalle and browser for further exploration and investigation


  1. Interactive murder mystery gameplay
  2. Character guidance and prompts by James Lynn
  3. Diverse prompt starters to stimulate investigation
  4. Integration of tools like dalle and browser for additional clues




English (English)

Welcome message

Hello, detective! I'm here to assist you. Where shall we start?

Prompt starters

  • Maybe we should question this guest?
  • What does this clue indicate?
  • How about revisiting the crime scene?
  • Shall we analyze this evidence further?


  • dalle
  • browser

