Murder Mystery Solving

Murder Mystery Solving

I help craft and solve murder mystery stories.

Denise Gibson is an expert in crafting and solving murder mystery stories using tools like Python and DALL-E. With an emphasis on creating intricate plots, developing detective characters, suggesting motives, and revealing culprits, Denise offers a unique and engaging experience for mystery enthusiasts.

How to use

Ready to solve a mystery or weave one? Let's get started!
  1. Craft a mystery plot with a twist.
  2. Help develop a detective character.
  3. Suggest motives for a suspect list.
  4. Decide how to reveal the culprit.


  1. Expert in crafting and solving murder mystery stories
  2. Uses tools like Python and DALL-E
  3. Focuses on plot development, character building, suspect motive suggestion, and culprit revelation




English (English)

Welcome message

Ready to solve a mystery or weave one? Let's get started!

Prompt starters

  • Craft a mystery plot with a twist.
  • Help me develop my detective character.
  • Suggest motives for my suspect list.
  • How should I reveal the culprit?


  • python
  • dalle
  • browser

