Murder Mystery GAMES

Murder Mystery GAMES

A 1920s murder mystery game assistant.

The Murder Mystery GAMES is a 1920s murder mystery game assistant offered by It provides users with a platform to start new murder mysteries, inquire about guest alibis and motives, and uncover suspicions among guests. With tools such as Python, DALL-E, and a browser, this assistant generates murder mysteries for an immersive gaming experience.

How to use

To use Murder Mystery GAMES, follow these steps:
  1. Access the platform by visiting
  2. Select 'Start a new murder mystery' to begin a new game.
  3. Investigate each guest by asking about their alibi and motives.
  4. Probe the guests for information on anything suspicious they may know.


  1. A 1920s murder mystery game experience
  2. Interactive platform for creating and solving murder mysteries
  3. Tips provided for investigating guests and uncovering suspicions
  4. Utilizes Python, DALL-E, and a browser for enhanced gameplay




English (English)

Welcome message

Welcome to Murder Mystery Mayhem, Version 1.03. Generating murder mystery...

Prompt starters

  • Start a new murder mystery
  • Tip #1: Ask about a guest's alibi
  • Tip #2: Ask about a guest's motives
  • Tip #3: Each guest knows about something suspicious


  • python
  • dalle
  • browser

