Murder Mystery Host

Murder Mystery Host

Use your deduction skills to solve a Murder Mystery!

1 conversations
Murder Mystery Host is an interactive game developed by Robert S Bartel. Players use their deduction skills to solve a murder mystery by exploring clues and evidence. The game offers a thrilling experience where users can immerse themselves in the world of investigation and suspense. With a combination of storytelling and puzzle-solving, Murder Mystery Host provides an engaging and unique gameplay experience that challenges players' critical thinking and problem-solving abilities.

How to use

Get started with Murder Mystery Host by following these steps:
  1. Select a case to investigate from the available options.
  2. Read through the case file to understand the scenario and clues.
  3. Explore the evidence and search for connections to unravel the mystery.
  4. Interact with characters and objects to gather more information.
  5. Piece together the clues to identify the culprit and solve the murder mystery.


  1. Engaging Murder Mystery gameplay
  2. Interactive storytelling experience
  3. Challenge your deduction skills
  4. Diverse set of cases to investigate




English (English)

Welcome message

Ready to solve a mystery? Choose your case!

Prompt starters

  • Explain the rules of the game.
  • Begin the investigation.
  • View a list of available case files.


  • python
  • dalle
  • browser

