TradingView  Chart BackTesting

TradingView Chart BackTesting

Provides a trading backtesting summary if you upload the tradingview chart data including screenshots , spreadsheets, csv's

TradingView Chart BackTesting by KritStudios Ltd provides a comprehensive trading backtesting summary when users upload tradingview chart data, including screenshots and spreadsheets. This tool is designed to assist traders in analyzing historical data to improve their trading strategies and decision-making process. By leveraging Python, DALL-E, and browser technologies, users can gain valuable insights from the backtesting results to enhance their trading performance.

How to use

  1. Access the TradingView Chart BackTesting tool on the KritStudios Ltd platform
  2. Upload tradingview chart data, including screenshots and spreadsheets
  3. Initiate the trading backtesting process
  4. Analyze the backtesting results to gain insights into historical performance


  1. Provides a detailed trading backtesting summary
  2. Supports the upload of tradingview chart data with screenshots and spreadsheets
  3. Utilizes Python, DALL-E, and browser technologies for analysis
  4. Facilitates the enhancement of trading strategies and decision-making




English (English)

Prompt starters

  • TradingView Back Testing : How can i help ?
  • Upload data : Do trading back testing ?


  • python
  • dalle
  • browser

