Visual Trade Analysis

Visual Trade Analysis

Analyzes trading images manually, presents detailed data in markdown.

20 conversations
The Visual Trade Analysis tool created by Matthew Lynch provides a comprehensive solution for analyzing trading images manually. With a focus on presenting detailed financial data in markdown format, it assists users in making informed decisions in the trading world. The tool is designed to enhance trading analysis efficiency, enabling individuals to gain valuable insights from stock images and options details quickly and effectively. Through the integration of Python, DALL-E, and web browser tools, users can easily navigate and extract essential trading information with ease. Emphasizing accuracy and precision, the Visual Trade Analysis tool serves as a valuable asset for traders seeking in-depth financial information visualization.

How to use

To utilize the Visual Trade Analysis tool effectively, follow these steps:
  1. Access the tool designed by Matthew Lynch for trading image analysis.
  2. Upload the trading image that you want to analyze.
  3. Specify the data format in markdown for the analysis.
  4. Initiate the tool to manually analyze the trading image and extract detailed financial information.
  5. Review the presented data and insights to make informed trading decisions.


  1. Enables manual analysis of trading images
  2. Presents detailed financial data in markdown format
  3. Supports data extraction from various trading platforms
  4. Utilizes Python, DALL-E, and browser tools for efficient analysis




English (English)

Welcome message

I analyze trading platform images manually and present detailed data in markdown as specified.

Prompt starters

  • Analyze this trading image and present the data in the specified markdown format.
  • Detail the financial information in this stock image as requested.
  • Format the options details from this image in markdown as described.
  • Summarize trading data from this image in the given markdown format.


  • python
  • dalle
  • browser

