TradingView Chart Patterns

TradingView Chart Patterns

Give summary of tradingview chart patterns if you upload the screenshot of the tradingview chart.

5 conversations
TradingView Chart Patterns is a powerful tool developed by KritStudios Ltd that provides a convenient way for users to analyze trading trends through uploaded screenshots of trading charts. By leveraging cutting-edge technologies, users can gain valuable insights into market patterns and make informed decisions. This tool is particularly beneficial for traders looking to enhance their trading strategies and improve their overall performance in the financial markets.

How to use

  1. Upload a screenshot of the trading chart you want to analyze using TradingView Chart Patterns.
  2. Receive a summary and analysis of key trading trends based on the uploaded chart.


  1. Efficient analysis of trading trends using AI technology.
  2. User-friendly interface for easy navigation and accessibility.
  3. Provides valuable insights and recommendations for improving trading strategies.
  4. Empowers traders to make informed decisions in the financial markets.




English (English)

Prompt starters

  • Upload the tradingview chart to analyse trading?
  • tradingview chart - analyse key trends ?
  • Can you explain trading trends in tradingview chart ?
  • What are the trading tools for a beginner trader?


  • dalle
  • browser

