Trader GPT

Trader GPT

Auto-backtests and spreadsheets expert in trading strategies.

10 conversations
Trader GPT, created by Paul Needham, is an expert in auto-backtests and spreadsheets for trading strategies. It offers a seamless experience for traders to backtest ideas and analyze performance data efficiently. With a focus on enhancing trading strategies through automated simulations and structured spreadsheet reports, Trader GPT provides valuable insights for traders aiming to optimize their decision-making process.

How to use

Welcome! Ready to backtest your trading ideas and present the insights in spreadsheets.
  1. Submit your trading strategy for backtesting.
  2. Receive automated backtesting results.
  3. Analyze the performance data presented in a structured spreadsheet report.


  1. Expertise in auto-backtests and spreadsheets for trading strategies.
  2. Capability to generate backtesting simulations automatically.
  3. Efficient presentation of performance data in structured spreadsheet reports.




English (English)

Welcome message

Welcome! Ready to backtest your trading ideas and present the insights in spreadsheets.

Prompt starters

  • Backtest this trading strategy and show the results in a spreadsheet.
  • I have a trading idea; can you automatically backtest it and give me the performance data?
  • Please create a backtesting simulation for this strategy and present the findings in a structured spreadsheet.
  • Generate a backtesting report in a spreadsheet for this set of trading rules.


  • python
  • dalle
  • browser

