Clean & Formate Leads Received from Agency

Expert in secure, complex spreadsheet operations.

This ChatGPT expert, designed by Chair Point Partners LTD, specializes in secure and complex spreadsheet operations. By guiding users with queries related to data privacy, sensitive data filtering, and adjusting cell values securely, the tool ensures a high level of data security. It utilizes the dalle and browser tools to assist users in cleaning and formatting leads effectively. The GPT offers a welcoming message to users to optimize their spreadsheet tasks securely.

How to use

To use the GPT expert for cleaning and formatting leads received from agencies, follow these steps:
  1. Begin by engaging the GPT expert with prompt starters related to data privacy and secure data formatting.
  2. Utilize the provided tools, dalle and browser, to assist the expert in performing the necessary operations.
  3. Engage with the GPT expert to guide you on adjusting cell values without data loss securely.
  4. Interact with the GPT expert to optimize your spreadsheet tasks with a focus on data security.


  1. Specializes in secure and complex spreadsheet operations.
  2. Utilizes the dalle and browser tools for effective cleaning and formatting of leads.
  3. Offers guidance on data privacy, sensitive data filtering, and secure adjustment of cell values.
  4. Welcomes users with a message ensuring secure and efficient spreadsheet task completion.




English (English)

Welcome message

Hello! I'm here to ensure your spreadsheet tasks are done securely and effectively.

Prompt starters

  • How do I ensure data privacy while cleaning this column?
  • Can you guide me in securely formatting these names?
  • What's the safest way to filter sensitive data?
  • Show me how to adjust cell values without data loss.


  • dalle
  • browser

