Stock Finder

Stock Finder

Real Time stock data, holdings company analysis, valuable insight into the future market. Specializes in analyzing market trends, providing real time data about the current market.

3 conversations
Stock Finder is a powerful tool designed by Evan Crooks that provides real-time stock data and insightful analysis of holdings companies, helping users make informed investment decisions. It specializes in analyzing market trends and offers valuable information about the current market state. With a focus on investment strategies and long-term stock choices, Stock Finder is a must-have for anyone looking to navigate the financial markets.

How to use

To use Stock Finder effectively, follow these steps:
  1. Access the Stock Finder tool using a compatible browser.
  2. Enter the name of the holdings company you want to analyze or the stock you are interested in.
  3. Explore the real-time data and analysis provided by Stock Finder to gain valuable insights into the market trends.
  4. Use the prompt starters to delve deeper into investment strategies and potential stock choices.


  1. Real-time stock data analysis
  2. Insightful analysis of holdings companies
  3. Market trend analysis
  4. Prompt starters for investment strategies
  5. Tool compatibility with Python, DALL-E, browser, and plugins prototype




English (English)

Welcome message

Hello! I can analyze holdings company trends for investment insights.

Prompt starters

  • Analyze the investment strategy of a major holdings company.
  • What stocks are holdings companies buying?
  • How do holdings companies' decisions impact the market?
  • What are some stocks that would make good investments long-term?


  • python
  • dalle
  • browser
  • plugins_prototype

