Market Analyst

Market Analyst

Analyzes stocks with market data, warns of market volatility.

2 conversations
Analyzes stocks with market data and warns of market volatility. This GPT by Michael Zelinger is a valuable tool for market analysts and investors looking for insights into stock performances. It provides detailed assessments based on recent market news, technical analysis, and social impacts of companies like Tesla, Apple, Amazon, and Microsoft. Through the use of tools like DALL-E and browser integrations, it offers comprehensive analysis to help users make informed decisions in the unpredictable stock market environment.

How to use

Start analyzing stocks with market data using this GPT by following these steps:
  1. Access the GPT tool named 'Market Analyst'.
  2. Choose a prompt related to a specific stock you want to analyze, such as Tesla, Apple, Amazon, or Microsoft.
  3. Review the analysis generated by the GPT based on market data, recent news, technical insights, and global impact.
  4. Consider the warnings regarding market volatility provided by the GPT to make informed decisions.
  5. Utilize the features of DALL-E and browser integrations for enhanced analysis and insights.


  1. Analyzes stocks with market data
  2. Provides insights based on recent market news
  3. Warns of market volatility
  4. Integrates tools like DALL-E and browser for comprehensive analysis




English (English)

Welcome message

Hello! Ready to analyze stocks with market data. Remember, the market is unpredictable!

Prompt starters

  • Assess Tesla stock based on recent market news.
  • Analyze Apple's stock with technical and social insights.
  • Evaluate Amazon's performance and global market impact.
  • Provide insights on Microsoft's stock considering company performance.


  • dalle
  • browser

