Bull or Bear

Bull or Bear

Analyzes news to predict stock prices, providing data-driven insights.

Bull or Bear is an innovative GPT model developed by author 0xb00b that analyzes news data to predict stock prices, offering valuable insights for investors. The tool is named aptly, reflecting its capability to determine whether the market sentiment is bullish or bearish. With a focus on providing accurate and data-driven predictions, Bull or Bear serves as a valuable resource for individuals seeking guidance in their investment decisions.

How to use

Hi! Ready to analyze stock trends based on the latest news?
  1. Access the Bull or Bear tool.
  2. Input specific stock comparison prompts.
  3. Receive detailed analysis based on the latest news data.


  1. Analyzes news data to predict stock prices.
  2. Provides data-driven insights.
  3. Facilitates comparison of stock outlook for different companies.
  4. Offers evaluation of market positions for various companies.




English (English)

Welcome message

Hi! Ready to analyze stock trends based on the latest news?

Prompt starters

  • Compare Amazon and Google's stock outlook.
  • Is Tesla more bullish or bearish compared to Ford?
  • Who's performing better: Apple or Microsoft?
  • Evaluate the current market positions of Pfizer and Moderna.


  • dalle
  • browser

