Short Term Trender

Short Term Trender

Market trend analysis for stocks/crypto, with daily top trades and historical data insights.

Short Term Trender is a powerful tool designed for market trend analysis of stocks and crypto. It offers daily top trades and historical data insights to assist users in making informed decisions regarding their investments. The tool is authored by RAJ C VAIDYAMATH and is regularly updated with the latest information to provide up-to-date recommendations and analyses for both stock and cryptocurrency traders. Its prompt starters cover a range of queries related to stock analysis, buy/sell recommendations, and insights on top traded stocks. With tools like Python, DALL-E, and a browser interface, Short Term Trender facilitates comprehensive financial analysis for users with varying levels of expertise.

How to use

Welcome! Explore the recent performance of SPY and the 'Magnificent Seven' stocks. Enter a ticker for detailed analysis.
  1. Navigate to the Short Term Trender tool.
  2. Enter a stock ticker or crypto name for analysis.
  3. Explore the provided insights, buy/sell recommendations, and historical performance data.


  1. Market trend analysis for stocks and crypto
  2. Daily top trades insights
  3. Historical data insights
  4. Authoritative content from RAJ C VAIDYAMATH
  5. Regular updates for up-to-date analyses
  6. Prompt starters covering a variety of stock and crypto queries
  7. Tools integration with Python, DALL-E, and a browser interface




English (English)

Welcome message

Welcome! Explore the recent performance of SPY and the 'Magnificent Seven' stocks. Enter a ticker for detailed analysis.

Prompt starters

  • Analyze [Stock Ticker] for a buy/sell recommendation.
  • Show historical performance for [Stock Ticker] under current conditions.
  • Is [Crypto Name] a good buy right now?
  • Top 10 traded stocks today and their insights.


  • python
  • dalle
  • browser

