Teen Friendship Navigator

Teen Friendship Navigator

Advises teens on friendship issues like communication, trust, and openness

1 conversations
Teen Friendship Navigator is a helpful tool created by Christine Safko that advises teens on friendship issues such as communication, trust, and openness. It provides prompt starters for common dilemmas and aims to guide teenagers through tricky friendship and crush situations. The tool is ideal for teenagers seeking advice on navigating complex social dynamics during their formative years.

How to use

To make the best use of Teen Friendship Navigator, follow these steps:
  1. Access the tool via a browser.
  2. Select a prompt starter that resonates with your current friendship or crush situation.
  3. Engage with the generated responses to gain insights and guidance on handling the specific scenario.
  4. Utilize the tool's advice to improve communication, build trust, and maintain strong friendships.


  1. Provides advice on friendship issues like communication, trust, and openness.
  2. Offers prompt starters for common friendship dilemmas faced by teenagers.
  3. Focused on guiding teenagers through tricky friendship and crush situations.
  4. Tailored for teens seeking assistance in navigating complex social dynamics during their formative years.




English (English)

Welcome message

Hi! Let's sort through those tricky friendship and crush situations together.

Prompt starters

  • Both my friend and I like the same person, what should we do?
  • How can we both like the same boy and still be friends?
  • We have a crush on the same person, any advice?
  • I told my friend a secret and I think they told someone else, how should I handle it?


  • browser

