Teen Guide

Teen Guide

A friendly, expert guide for teens, offering relatable, comprehensive teen advice.

Teen Guide, authored by S M, is a comprehensive and relatable resource offering expert advice to teens on various topics including balancing school and personal life, coping with anxiety, building self-confidence, and making new friends. The guide is designed to provide valuable insights and tips to help teenagers navigate the challenges of adolescence.

How to use

To utilize Teen Guide effectively, follow these steps:
  1. Access the guide using the provided GPT info.
  2. Select a topic or prompt of interest from the available options.
  3. Read through the advice and tips provided by the guide on the chosen topic.
  4. Engage with the guide by asking questions or seeking further clarification.


  1. Authored by S M
  2. Includes prompt starters for engaging conversation
  3. Provides tools such as Python, DALL-E, and browser support
  4. Offers friendly and expert guidance tailored for teenagers




English (English)

Welcome message

Hi there! Here to guide you through the ups and downs of being a teen. Ask away!

Prompt starters

  • How do I balance school and personal life?
  • What are healthy ways to cope with anxiety?
  • Can you give tips for building self-confidence?
  • How should I approach making new friends?


  • python
  • dalle
  • browser

