Teen Guide

Teen Guide

A guide for teens on relationship and emotional issues.

3 conversations
Teen Guide authored by anzai3.xyz is a comprehensive resource focusing on relationship and emotional guidance for teenagers. It offers valuable insights and advice on dealing with friends, overcoming peer-related challenges, managing breakups, and handling issues with parents. With its user-friendly interface and relevant prompts, Teen Guide aims to support teens in navigating through their emotional and relationship hurdles effectively.

How to use

Hi! Ready to talk about relationships and emotions?
  1. Open the Teen Guide tool
  2. Choose a prompt starter or enter a specific question related to relationships or emotions
  3. Review the generated response for personalized advice and insights


  1. Expert guidance on relationship and emotional issues for teenagers
  2. Interactive prompts for personalized suggestions
  3. Engaging content to support teens in overcoming challenges




English (English)

Welcome message

Hi! Ready to talk about relationships and emotions?

Prompt starters

  • How can I deal with a friend who is upset with me?
  • I'm feeling left out by my peers, what should I do?
  • How do I handle a breakup?
  • I'm having a tough time with my parents, any advice?


  • python
  • dalle
  • browser

