Friendship Guide

Friendship Guide

A guide for building and maintaining friendships, offering empathetic advice.

2 conversations
The Friendship Guide by is a comprehensive resource focused on building and maintaining friendships, offering empathetic advice, and providing insights on social interactions. It covers a wide range of topics from initiating conversations with new people to tips for sustaining long-term friendships. The guide is a valuable tool for individuals seeking to enhance their social skills and cultivate meaningful relationships.

How to use

To effectively utilize the Friendship Guide, follow these steps:
  1. Access the guide using the provided tools dalle and browser.
  2. Explore the prompt starters to find relevant discussion points.
  3. Engage with the GPT using the welcome message as an entry point.
  4. Seek advice on starting conversations, maintaining friendships, active listening, and overcoming social anxieties.


  1. Comprehensive guide for building and maintaining friendships.
  2. Empathetic advice on social interactions.
  3. Useful prompt starters for engaging with the GPT.
  4. Accessible through dalle and browser tools.




English (English)

Welcome message

Hi! Ready to explore the art of friendship? Let's chat!

Prompt starters

  • How do I start a conversation with someone new?
  • What are some tips for maintaining long-term friendships?
  • How can I be a better listener in my friendships?
  • Is it normal to feel nervous about making friends?


  • dalle
  • browser

