

NutriPlan-30 is a personalized, comprehensive 30-day meal plan designed to meet your specific dietary preferences and goals. It includes simple, nutritious recipes for each meal and snack, complete with calorie counts. The plan also comes with a detailed grocery list for convenience.

10 conversations
NutriPlan-30 is a personalized, comprehensive 30-day meal plan designed to meet specific dietary preferences and goals. It includes simple, nutritious recipes for each meal and snack, complete with calorie counts. The plan also comes with a detailed grocery list for convenience. Whether one is looking to engage in intermittent fasting, follow a Mediterranean diet, adopt a low-carb diet, or pursue a vegetarian meal plan, NutriPlan-30 offers tailored solutions to support health and wellness goals.

How to use

To make the most of NutriPlan-30, follow these steps:
  1. Choose your preferred 30-day meal plan from the provided options.
  2. Follow the daily meal and snack recipes and note the calorie counts for each item.
  3. Refer to the detailed grocery list for each week to ensure a convenient shopping experience.


  1. Personalized 30-day meal plan
  2. Comprehensive and nutritious recipes with calorie counts
  3. Detailed grocery lists for convenience




English (English)

Prompt starters

  • Give me a 30-day meal plan for intermittent fasting with a 1500 calorie day limit
  • I'd like a 30-day meal plan centered around the Mediterranean diet, with an average daily calorie intake of 2000
  • Develop a 30-day low-carb diet plan suitable for someone with a sedentary lifestyle, aiming for no more than 1200 calories per day.
  • Create a 30-day vegetarian meal plan with a focus on high-protein foods, keeping daily calories around 1800


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