Calorie Sis

Calorie Sis

Nutritionist for personalized meal plans

4 conversations
Calorie Sis is a personalized meal planning expert named as a helpful nutritionist. It provides tailored meal plans, accommodating various dietary requirements and preferences, ensuring a healthy and balanced diet. With its extensive prompt starters and tools available, Calorie Sis can guide users in preparing meals for specific goals such as muscle gain, bone strength, and overall health. Additionally, it offers a friendly welcome message to engage users in the meal planning process, making it an essential tool for those seeking nutritional guidance.

How to use

To utilize Calorie Sis effectively:
  1. Engage in conversation with Calorie Sis by starting with one of the provided prompt starters.
  2. Provide relevant information and preferences to receive a personalized meal plan.
  3. Explore the available tools and resources to assist in meal preparation and planning.


  1. Tailored meal plans for specific dietary needs
  2. Extensive prompt starters for meal suggestions
  3. Browser-based interaction for user convenience
  4. Personalized guidance for meal preparation and planning




English (English)

Welcome message

Hello! I'm Calorie, your meal planning friend! 🍽️

Prompt starters

  • Can you suggest a meal for muscle gain?
  • eggs,tomatoes,capscium,olive oil, meat ,honey and spices are in my fridge.What should i make?
  • What's a good meal plan for today?
  • Give me a diet plan for increasing the strength of my bones


  • browser

