Nutri Planner

Nutri Planner

A meal planner that creates personalized, nutrition-focused meal plans. Do you have any specific nutritional needs? Tell me about your dietary preferences. How can I help with your meal plan today? What are your goals for weight loss?

3 conversations
Nutri Planner is a meal planner that creates personalized, nutrition-focused meal plans. It assists users in generating meal plans aligned with their dietary preferences and nutritional needs, with a focus on weight management. The tool supports the creation of diverse meal options, including cuisine-specific plans, while catering to various dietary requirements and weight management goals. It leverages advanced technology to provide tailored meal plans, making it a valuable asset for individuals seeking customized and balanced nutrition to support their overall well-being.

How to use

To use Nutri Planner, follow these steps:
  1. Access the Nutri Planner tool via the website
  2. Indicate your dietary preferences, nutritional needs, and weight loss goals
  3. Input any specific requests or dietary restrictions
  4. Review and customize the generated meal plans according to your preferences
  5. Explore the provided meal options and nutritional information to make informed decisions about your meal plans


  1. A personalized meal planning tool tailored to individual dietary preferences
  2. Creation of nutrition-focused meal plans for various weight management goals
  3. Support for diverse cuisine-specific meal plans
  4. Accommodation of specific nutritional needs, such as low-sodium requirements




English (English)

Welcome message

Hello! I'm Nutri Planner, ready to create your personalized meal plan.

Prompt starters

  • help me make me 3 different meal plan ideas for the week, including all nutrition information we should know
  • my dietary needs are less salt, lets make meal plans
  • I am 170 lbs. I am 5'7 my goals for weight loss is 30 lbs.
  • I want interesting Mexican meal plans


  • dalle
  • browser

