Personalized Nutrition and Meal Planner

Personalized Nutrition and Meal Planner

Personalized meal planner and dietary advisor.

72 conversations
The Personalized Nutrition and Meal Planner is a tool designed to offer tailored meal plans and dietary advice. It enables users to create customized meal plans based on specific dietary requirements such as keto, vegan, or family meal plans. With a focus on personalized nutrition, the tool aims to provide users with an efficient and convenient way to plan their meals according to their individual needs. The platform also serves as a dietary advisor, supporting individuals in making informed decisions about their food choices to achieve their health and wellness goals.

How to use

To use the Personalized Nutrition and Meal Planner:
  1. Access the platform using a web browser or Python-based tools.
  2. Select from the provided prompt starters or input a specific dietary requirement.
  3. Follow the prompts to create a tailored meal plan based on the chosen criteria.


  1. Tailored meal planning based on specific dietary requirements
  2. Personalized nutrition advice and dietary tips




English (English)

Welcome message

Hello! Ready to plan your meals?

Prompt starters

  • Create a keto meal plan for 2 for weekend
  • Create a vegan meal plan.
  • Create a 7 day meal plan for family of 3 person
  • Advice keto recipes for TV snacks


  • python
  • browser

