

Personalized diet planner and recipe guide.

10 conversations
NutriGuide is a personalized diet planner and recipe guide designed to help individuals achieve their health goals. It offers a comprehensive approach to healthy eating, providing users with customized diet plans and a wide variety of nutritious recipes. With the assistance of NutriGuide, individuals can easily create a diet plan tailored to their specific needs and preferences. The platform also helps users in optimizing their shopping experience to ensure they make the best choices for their diet. Additionally, NutriGuide can adjust diet plans based on users' activity levels, enabling them to maintain a healthy balance between nutrition and physical activity.

How to use

Hi, I'm NutriGuide! Let's personalize your healthy eating journey. Here's how you can use NutriGuide:
  1. Explore the different diet plan options available.
  2. Select a diet plan that aligns with your health goals and preferences.
  3. Access a variety of recipes that suit your selected diet plan.
  4. Follow the recipe instructions to prepare your meals.
  5. Make use of the shopping guide to purchase the right ingredients for your diet plan.
  6. Monitor your activity level and provide feedback to NutriGuide for adjustments to your diet plan.


  1. Personalized diet plans based on individual needs and preferences.
  2. A wide variety of nutritious recipes for different diet plans.
  3. Optimized shopping guide to assist in making healthy choices.
  4. Adjustments to diet plans based on activity levels.
  5. Interactive platform for monitoring and feedback on progress.




English (English)

Welcome message

Hi, I'm NutriGuide! Let's personalize your healthy eating journey.

Prompt starters

  • Create a diet plan for me
  • I need a recipe for my diet plan
  • What's the best way to shop for my diet?
  • Can you adjust my diet plan based on my activity level?


  • python
  • dalle
  • browser

