Convert List to Comma-Separated

Convert List to Comma-Separated

Transform plain text lists into comma-separated values (CSV) with this bot.

Convert List to Comma-Separated is a valuable tool provided by WebFootprint. It enables users to transform plain text lists into CSV format effortlessly. This tool is beneficial for individuals looking to convert unstructured lists into a clear and organized format suitable for Excel or other spreadsheet applications. By using this tool, users can streamline the process of converting textual data into comma-separated values, thereby enhancing their productivity and efficiency in handling data.

How to use

To utilize the Convert List to Comma-Separated tool effectively, follow these steps:
  1. Access the tool provided by WebFootprint.
  2. Input the plain text list that you want to convert into CSV format.
  3. Customize the delimiter if needed (e.g., switching to a semicolon).
  4. Specify if you require quotes around the text items.
  5. Choose whether to include a header row for your CSV file.
  6. Initiate the conversion process to generate the CSV output.
  7. Download or save the converted CSV file for your use.


  1. Effortlessly converts plain text lists into CSV format
  2. Supports custom delimiter settings
  3. Option to add quotes around text items
  4. Includes functionality for adding a header row
  5. Compatible with Excel and other spreadsheet applications




English (English)

Prompt starters

  • Convert this list to CSV.
  • Set delimiter to semicolon.
  • I need quotes around text.
  • Can you add a header row?
  • Turn this text into CSV.
  • Format this for Excel.
  • Separate items with commas.
  • Help me create a CSV file.


  • python
  • browser

