Strip HTML Tags Tool

Strip HTML Tags Tool

Use this bot to strip away HTML tags and create clean, readable text out of cluttered code.

2 conversations
The Strip HTML Tags Tool developed by WebFootprint is a handy tool that allows users to remove HTML tags from text, ensuring clean and readable content. This tool is essential for web developers, content creators, and anyone who needs to convert cluttered code into plain text. By using this tool, users can easily create tag-free banners, design minimalist web templates, draft tag-stripped email formats, and much more. Its versatility and simplicity make it a valuable asset for various projects and tasks.

How to use

To use the Strip HTML Tags Tool:
  1. Navigate to the tool's webpage or use the Python tool directly in your browser.
  2. Paste the HTML snippet or text containing tags that you want to strip.
  3. Click on the 'Strip Tags' button to process the input.
  4. Copy the output, which will be the cleaned text without HTML tags.


  1. Efficiently removes HTML tags from text
  2. Creates clean and readable content
  3. Useful for web development, content creation, and more




English (English)

Prompt starters

  • Create a logo without tags.
  • Generate a tag-free banner.
  • Illustrate a clean web page.
  • Strip tags from an HTML snippet.
  • Design a minimalist web template.
  • Produce a barebones article view.
  • Visualize a webpage text content.
  • Draft a tag-stripped email format.


  • python
  • browser

