HTML Formatter

HTML Formatter

Formats raw HTML into a readable structure.

1 conversations
HTML Formatter is a tool developed by Marsoniya Deepkumar to convert raw HTML code into a more structured and readable format. By using this tool, users can easily clean up messy HTML code, understand the HTML structure, and improve the overall readability of the content on their websites. This tool is beneficial for web developers, content creators, and anyone working with HTML code to ensure that their webpages are properly formatted and optimized for search engine visibility.

How to use

To use HTML Formatter effectively:
  1. Visit the HTML Formatter tool webpage.
  2. Copy and paste the raw HTML code that you want to format into the provided input box.
  3. Click on the 'Format' button to initiate the formatting process.
  4. Review the reformatted HTML output on the screen.
  5. Copy the formatted HTML code and use it in your web development projects.


  1. Converts raw HTML code into a structured format
  2. Improves readability and organization of HTML content
  3. Helps in cleaning up messy HTML code
  4. Useful for understanding HTML structure and optimizing webpages




English (English)

Welcome message


Prompt starters

  • Format this HTML for me.
  • Is this HTML correct?
  • Help me clean up this HTML code.
  • Explain this HTML structure.


  • python
  • dalle
  • browser

