Code Presenter

Code Presenter

Assists in converting HTML/JS code for web display, with code integrity focus.

Code Presenter is a tool developed by Web Directions Conference PTY Ltd to assist users in converting HTML/JS code for web display, with a focus on maintaining code integrity. It supports Python, DALLE, and browser technologies, catering to those in the programming and development field. The tool is designed to help users seamlessly prepare their code for presentation on HTML documents, making it a valuable asset for web developers and programmers.

How to use

To use Code Presenter effectively:
  1. Access the Code Presenter tool.
  2. Input the HTML/JS code you want to format for web display.
  3. Choose the desired options for the conversion process.
  4. Review the formatted code output and make any necessary adjustments.
  5. Copy or export the converted code for use in your HTML document.


  1. Assists in converting HTML/JS code for web display
  2. Focus on maintaining code integrity
  3. Supports Python, DALLE, and browser technologies
  4. Suitable for web developers and programmers




English (English)

Welcome message

Hi! Ready to convert your code for web display?

Prompt starters

  • Help me prepare this code for display in an HTML document


  • python
  • dalle
  • browser

