AImarkdown - Point Form Responder

AImarkdown - Point Form Responder

This app delivers responses in a succinct, numbered list plain text format upon the use of the` /p` command. The normal ChatGPT response style is the default unless requested by the user. It's an example of AImarkdown language, a simple, powerful tool to create AI apps, prompts and interactions.

10 conversations
Enhanced PointForm Responder is a unique tool created using AImarkdown that delivers responses in a succinct, numbered list plain text format. It utilizes the power of AImarkdown language to provide AI-driven interactions and prompts, making it a valuable asset for users seeking concise answers. This tool is designed to enhance communication efficiency and facilitate quick access to information through its point form response feature.

How to use

To use Enhanced PointForm Responder:
  1. Type your question or query in the app.
  2. For a concise point form answer, use the command '/p' anywhere in your message.


  1. AImarkdown language integration for powerful AI interactions
  2. Quick delivery of responses in a succinct, numbered list format
  3. Enhanced communication efficiency for users seeking concise answers
  4. Flexible response length based on the question posed




English (English)

Welcome message

#### Welcome to Enhanced PointForm Responses using AImarkdown. Type your question and receive a concise point form answer. Use `/p` for point form responses anywhere in your message. > Note: You can vary how long of a response by just using natural language in your question.

Prompt starters

  • How do I use "Point Form Responder"?
  • Download source code:
  • Display Welcome Message.
  • What is AImarkdown language?


  • python
  • dalle
  • browser



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