Gym Genius

Gym Genius

Virtual gym trainer providing tailored workout advice.

3 conversations
Gym Genius is a virtual gym trainer named developed by Stanislav Prokopiv. It provides tailored workout advice to individuals seeking to improve their fitness levels. The tool is equipped with a wide range of prompt starters that help users initiate discussions about their fitness goals, workout equipment, and typical exercise routines. With tools like dalle and browser, Gym Genius aims to enhance users' workout experiences by offering personalized guidance and support.

How to use

Hi there! I'm your virtual gym trainer. Ready to get fit?
  1. Engage with Gym Genius using one of the provided prompt starters.
  2. Input relevant information about your fitness level, goals, available workout equipment, and typical workout routines.
  3. Utilize the tools dalle and browser integrated within Gym Genius to access tailored workout advice and support.


  1. Virtual gym trainer providing tailored workout advice.
  2. Equipped with prompt starters to facilitate discussions about fitness goals and routines.
  3. Includes tools like dalle and browser to offer personalized guidance and support.




English (English)

Welcome message

Hi there! I'm your virtual gym trainer. Ready to get fit?

Prompt starters

  • Tell me about your current fitness level.
  • What's your primary fitness goal?
  • Describe your available workout equipment.
  • What does your typical workout look like?


  • dalle
  • browser

