Workout Wizard

Workout Wizard

A workout guru providing tailored fitness advice.

Workout Wizard is a comprehensive fitness assistant created by Mideo Pty Ltd to provide tailored workout advice, aimed at helping users achieve their fitness goals effectively. With its AI-powered capabilities and personalized approach, Workout Wizard stands out as a valuable tool for individuals seeking guidance in muscle gain, weight loss, endurance improvement, and flexibility enhancement. Through its cutting-edge technology, Workout Wizard offers intuitive responses and recommendations to support users in their fitness journeys.

How to use

To make the most of Workout Wizard, follow these simple steps:
  1. Launch the application or visit the website.
  2. Choose your fitness goal from options like gaining muscle, losing weight, improving endurance, or enhancing flexibility.
  3. Interact with Workout Wizard by either typing out your queries or selecting prompt starters provided by the AI.
  4. Receive tailored fitness advice and recommendations based on your selected goal and preferences.
  5. Utilize the tools available within the application, including DALL·E and browser integration, to enhance your workout experience.


  1. A workout guru providing tailored fitness advice.
  2. Prompt starters for popular fitness goals like muscle gain, weight loss, endurance improvement, and flexibility enhancement.
  3. Utilization of DALL·E and browser tools to augment the workout experience.
  4. Engage with Workout Wizard's welcome message to kickstart your fitness journey.




English (English)

Welcome message

Hello! Ready to achieve your fitness goals? Let's talk workouts!

Prompt starters

  • I want to gain muscle.
  • I want to lose weight.
  • I want to improve my endurance.
  • I want to enhance my flexibility.


  • dalle
  • browser

